Saturday, December 04, 2004

i just need to vent here for sec i promise to try and not do this too often. but i gotta get it out of me. which is kind of ironic, because im pretty sure that the precise problem is just that - me. there has got to be something wrong with me...a curse of some sort. now, admittedly i'm a hopeless romantic - i go nuts for that stuff. buti think that maybe, i've let myself become delusioned about love that i've blurred the line between REAL romance and the stuff on movies, books, an television. you see, i watch those movies, read those books and people tell me "jamie thats not real life" and my response to that is "why not? why cant i have my own little love story?"
here is where i pose my question to anyone who might wander upon my ramblings - would it be more tragic if a) i continue living my life in what quite possibly may be a very dangerous and self-destructive fairytale fantasy... or b)i let go of my idealistic pursuit of my love story and accept the fact that maybe i'll find love, maybe i wont..and even if i do find it, it might not be what i expect anyway. and to that effect, if may not be ANYTHING like i expect, it might not even be real. it might not last.
to enphazise the point i'm trying to make right now, i think i should mention that i'm currently watching Serendipity - to those of u who know this movie, enough said.


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