Wednesday, March 16, 2005

my first blind date

where to friend from HS,alyssa. we went out for dinner at speedway last night, and she mentions that she has this male friend who saw a picture of me and was interested in meeting me. (lol i know, its crazyiness) so one thing leads to another, and before i can say 'i'm am so not cool enough to go on a blind date', i'm on a blind date.

i have to admit, i accepted this blind invitation partly to remind myself that whether i want to or not, i have to move on. ('dont hold on, go get strong' yeah yeah yeahs...that was my inspiration on this little adventure) i went into with no expectations, little lone high ones.

righto, ok so before i go into details of tonights events between the hours of 6:35 and about 9:10...i must state that mr. blind date (eric) was a super nice guy. i have no problems with him in the least...he's a good guy.

that said, let me start from the beginning

movie started at 7:15, so when he asked what time he should pick me up, i logically figured around 7. i live close to the theator. he suggests, how bout 6:15...6:15! a whole hour early. to which i calmly reply, 'well how bout closer to 6:30 cause my moms makin supper and i was gonna eat with my family'. so ok, agreed. he pulls up at approx. 6:35...i go to the car, open the door, and immediatly am hit with a shocklingly strong scent of cologne. as i got into the car, i took what turned out to be my last breathe of fresh air all evening.

i'm usually not picky about attire when it comes to guys...but this guy was just the total opposite of my taste. i felt underdressed for the occasion in my jeans and sweashirt + vest
item a) leather coat...not jacket, like tough guy motorcycle jacket or something, but coat. like with collar and buttons and cuffed sleeves. comparable to a womans coat.
item b) leather gloves (nuff said)
item c) the comment, "i need to get my hair, cut and highlighted, but last time it cost me $150." (editors note: i got my hair cut today, and i wrote a measly $25 check, including tip. and i look damn fine)
item d) the comment, "i went tanning the other day" (guys, no matter how pale u think u are, dont go to a tanning bed...i love u for u, not ur fake orange tan..or ur expensive highlights)

but hey, i'm not a vain person. i'm giving the guy a chance, cause he seems real nice and besides, who am i to judge. (and as it turns out, is real nice) so we get to the movie, he pays, two tickets to The Curse (nice guy). however, pick up at 6:35, movie at 7:15 we are like 25 minutes early to this movie. we walk into theater #9, which i had taken as a good sign, seein as 9's my lucky way, we walk in to an EMPTY theater. thats right, just the Cologne and i. plus, we're so early that nothin is on the screen yet. just a blank screen. so the scene so far is this -- very empty, lighted theatre, blank screen, cheesy background music--

we force small talk for 20 minutes and mericfully, God smiles on us and the previews begin. so all is well, we're watchin the movie, jumping at the scary parts and what not...when suddenly my date sits up in his seat, reaches towards me (i was scared ok, i didnt know what was happening,and it was happening so fast...) and grabs my hand. not smooth at all. just grabs it. so now we're very unromantically holding hands. and to top it off, he rubs the side of my hand with his thumb, which generally, is unbelieveably adorable in my book. but i dont know this guy, and he certainly does not know me...and all i can think is "wtf, why r we holding hands? and why why r u rubbing my hand?" but here's the best part - he was holding my hand SO HARD...idk if he thought i was gonna try to run away or something....but i honestly lost feeling in all four fingers and my thumb. it got to the point where it actually hurt. and what was i supposed to do? how do u say something? "um, excuse me? yeah sorry...but could u not hold my hand so tight? i think my fingers r gonna fall off" so i just endured it.

and as if this isnt bad enough...ladies ur gonna love this next part. (and gentlemen, if u dont wanna hear about my boob, skip this paragraph) so he's sittin to my left right, and ensuring that i will never have full use of my left hand again...when all of a sudden, my left boob itches SO bad. and can i do nething about it? of course not. i cant reach with my right hand, its way to left hand is in the bear trap, so i just had to endure that as well.

scenario recap here -- cant breathe (cologne), sharp pain in the fingers i can still feel,(mentioning the boob again) increasingly annoying boob itch--

so this went on thru the entire movie. and the movie wasnt that great. it was ok, a little funny at times. but at one point, a werwolf actually flips someone off. that was kinda lame. but oh well.

so thats my blind date experience. my hand is recovering nicely, but it was touch and go there for awhile


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, jamie i was laughing the whole way throught this. i don't know weather to say sorry or not but i am. hey at least your getting out of your house over break, as i am not. i wish i could see a picture of this "pretty boy" (according to tots). hey, but a blind date, way to go; i don't know if i could do one of those. don't worry though cause i know you'll have better dates to come.

9:13 PM  
Blogger FBombAndy said...

Wow. I

9:31 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

i hopefully have learned my lesson tate :)

thanks haylee! it definantly was worth it, thats a story to tell the grandkids :)

wow....good or bad wow? (haha idk what wow means exactly...can u be a little more specific?)

1:00 PM  
Blogger FBombAndy said... as in, however you think the date was, I stand behind you.

3:08 PM  

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