Monday, March 21, 2005

my ideal

so i was talkin to a couple of my female friends this weekend, and i happened to mention that a certain someone was my 'ideal'. (as in ideal guy) so of course this made me think....i'm tryin to compile a list of qualities, traits, characteristics or whatever ur want to call them. but things that my ideal would have or whatever.

so lets see - where to begin (these arent really in order of importance or nething..just in the order i thought of them in)

*sense of humor comparable to my own...which tends to be alittle dark at times, i'm not gonna apologize :)
*kind...kindess is so sexy! ;)
*not afraid of what others think about him
*into least someone who will sit thru a basketball game with me, maybe two
*physically (hey, looks are semi important okay) the first thing i look at is neck, hands, eyes eyes eyes :) oh and i like skinny, tallish skinny guys (if thats confusing, let me know - i'll try to explain better)

i'll think of more....really i'm not all too picky. i mean, my type is pretty inclusive. i could fall for neone ;)


Blogger FBombAndy said...

So, a ton of those make perfect sense. Totally.

But that's the first time I've seen 'neck' on a person's...umm...'want' list.

1:04 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

i suppose 'neck' is a tad strange....idk, i'm attracted to necks. haha

2:39 PM  
Blogger FBombAndy said...

Like long necks? Short necks? Average necks?

Maybe you should find a picture of a celebrity with the perfect neck. Visuals are always good.

3:05 PM  

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