Monday, August 15, 2005

i look hot in rubber gloves

last night, last night was a good time. i started out the evening being BORED outta my mind after my parents made my sister come home (due to the fact that she had vb this a.m.) but i trudged on til about 12 20 when louis called.

louis decided he wanted to dye his hair black (i still maintain he's copying me, since i did this same thing about a year ago...tsk tsk) but anyway, we call up chris and bryce and head out to walmart. now there was a good time...

we were just wondering about, messing around. and bryce and i happen upon the FebreezeAuto. so of course i make an attempt to spray him with it. which births the idea of a good ol' western showdown or whatever they're called. so chris supplied the classic cowboy movie whistle ("dun dun dun, wa a wa a wa" that good? idk i tried) and louis let us know when to to draw. needless to say, i was victorious. bryce claimed to have left his safety on...but hey, come prepared.

then chris found this hat, its like a green trucker hat with this clear little pocket on the front of it so you can put pictures in it. the boys then proceeded to brainstorm possible picture pocket ideas. louis put this outfit on (hat & vest combo) that for some reason made him look like a total we thought a pic of that would probably be cute

so yeah we head back to my house at around 3 30 i spose. and after louis shaves everything but the mustache that bryce and chris convinced him to keep, i proceeded to dye his hair blueblack, which is the color he selected. after i finished with him, i was like "hey, theres enough left here to do someone else" and of course we talk bryce into being that someone else.

in the end, last night was a fun night and the boys ended up lookin HOT . job well done.

oh oh, sidenote: andra and i finished the first season of the OC. joy! now we just have to wait til the 23rd so the second season comes out and we can continue her education.


Blogger Louie j said...

i'm going back to wally world to get the vest and hat, grow my mustache back, and stalk you.

only for you! ;)

11:42 PM  

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