Saturday, July 23, 2005

meet me at speedway

alright so its been along time since i wrote, too long for my loyal readers (all one of u)

lets see...what can i write about...oh i've made a couple of observations lately, pointless ones, but observations none the less.

exhibit a) i was babysittin the other day, and for lunch we were making sandwhiches, i wanted miracle whip, there wasnt ne, but there was mayo. ick. neway, the jar of mayo is like "0g net carbs! only 120 calories a serving!" somehow making it sound like mayo is not horrible for you. but, if one takes the time to rotate the jar and read the fine print, ALL 120 of those calories are from FAT. *shudder*

dont get me wrong, i dont count calories, but come on!

exhibit b) i was watching tv with andra and betsy a few days ago, and they were watching this show called "coupling", its a reality show about these woman in the city who are tryin to fall in love with the right man, AKA mr. right.....and the producer of the show?? cant remember his first name, but the important part is this. last name: wrong. the guy producing a show about finding mr. right, is named mr. wrong. oh the irony. i love it

what else is new....hmm...oh i went to wedding crashers. twice. two nights in a row actually. it was so good. vince vaughn succeeded in verifying my ginormous crush on him.he's amazing. the first night i went with kamala, and at one point in the movie, people actually clapped. haha, good times.

oh, we (my family, minus jodee) went to the shrine bowl football game yesterday. east won, woo hoo. okay so actually i didnt even hardly watch, andra and i played hang man. haha. then we all went out to eat at, wait for it....speedway! oh man, so good. speedway sauce, orgasmic. . my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

gentleman, that is the way to my heart. speedway sauce...oh my


Blogger Louie j said...

speedway huh? How close am I then?

10:25 PM  

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