Tuesday, January 10, 2006

airplane crashed....

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me and laura playin 'airplane'


hahaha we are like children Posted by Picasa

last night

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lori & me again....

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the ladies, poolside

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view from our hotel room in AZ

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

my meow! larrybird

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lil sis andra & me

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lori & me

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teal, me, laura...first game!

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Give Me Chills

so...i'm feeling very uninspired...i'm in a rut. dull dull dull....so i shall post lyrics. i love music. especially the kind of music that really speaks to you if you listen to the words...*sigh*

light another cigarette
and maybe by the end of it
you’ll have changed,
make a mental note to self
to dig a deeper wishing-well
next year

Still, you are the only thing I fear
You give me chills, you give me chills

sentimental waking up or
sleeping in a coffee cup it seems
you’re so high, the sky’s scared
and now you’re in my nightmares
and my dreams

still, you are the only thing I need
you give me chills, you give me chills
you give me chills, then you leave me cold

still, you are the only thing I feel
you give me chills, you give me chills
you give me chills, then you leave me…
you give me chills, you give me chills
you give me chills, then you leave me cold
and then you leave me cold
- Ben Lee "Chills"

Thursday, September 08, 2005

welcome back OC...its been too long

so...still nothing exciting to write about. but here goes....

OC season premiere was tonight...just got over. it was a good one. the oc never fails to make me proud. however, this just in...teal knows a guy who knows a guy, and the word on the street is that Fox got the rights to air the World Series this year...therefore, there shall be 4 episodes of the OC, followed by 4 WEEKS of no OC. yeesh. thanks goodness i have the first two seasons on dvd, for emergencies like this.

this new show (following the oc) is called reunion, and its got some serious potential. thats right, potential.

lets see what else...hangin out around here this weekend. should be a good time. as long as we can manage to remove all the "borrowed" lawn ornaments from our living room. we leave tate alone for one weekend and now there's a whole creapy little family of varying shades of white and gray with NO EYES gathered in our apartment. and not to be paranoid, but i'm pretty sure that they are reproducing at night, like rabbits.its only a matter of time until i wake up in the middle of the night and one of them (probably the creapy little boy one with his hands over his mouth like hes hiding something) is hovering at the end of my bed.

yup, Reunion is real good. great, now my thursdays are totally shot. the concept of the show is just new and cool. the first episode (today) was in 1986, and each episode is a new year. should be interesting

anyway, i think thats it for now...

catchin up 2

well...still not much to write about. teal and i are watchin Bedazzled right now. she doesnt seem impressed. nor was she feeling Sin City last night...i'm seriously beginning to worry about her. also...lets see. well nate's suggention sucked, and nobody else really said anything, cept andra and i couldnt write about her cause...well where would i even begin!?

we start workouts tomorrow...yeesh. i'm excited tho. cant wait to be in shape again. good times. anyway, this sucks again...thats it...i'm not writing til i come up with something good and meaningful. or at least worth reading.

sorry guys

catchin up 1

i am lonely. DAH i need a companion. haha. i say that, but then i find a guy and after two weeks im all "nehh..i'm bored." i think (for now) i just like that feeling you get when u first meet someone new.

although i must say, i havent felt alot of butterflies this summer (cant lie, i felt a few)...and that makes me sad. i want those nervous tingles!

i dare someone to sweep me off my feet....dare you

Monday, August 22, 2005

lost or found?

well, i'm back...in williston...the apartment is much smaller then anticapted. but we'll make the best of it. we dont have internet there yet. soon, hopefully.

i find myself really missing certain people...im torn about that feeling, missing. on one hand, its a good thing cause you have something that u care enough about to miss...on the other hand, missing something hurts alot. hmmm

i was thinking in the car on the way down here...about being lost or found. i know in the past few years i've changed...(hopefully for the better) but the thing is that i dont know if i found myself, like discovered who i really am. or if i lost who i was, who i'm supposed to be.

idk, maybe they both kind of go together in way...dilemma

Monday, August 15, 2005

i look hot in rubber gloves

last night, last night was a good time. i started out the evening being BORED outta my mind after my parents made my sister come home (due to the fact that she had vb this a.m.) but i trudged on til about 12 20 when louis called.

louis decided he wanted to dye his hair black (i still maintain he's copying me, since i did this same thing about a year ago...tsk tsk) but anyway, we call up chris and bryce and head out to walmart. now there was a good time...

we were just wondering about, messing around. and bryce and i happen upon the FebreezeAuto. so of course i make an attempt to spray him with it. which births the idea of a good ol' western showdown or whatever they're called. so chris supplied the classic cowboy movie whistle ("dun dun dun, wa a wa a wa"...is that good? or..no? idk i tried) and louis let us know when to to draw. needless to say, i was victorious. bryce claimed to have left his safety on...but hey, come prepared.

then chris found this hat, its like a green trucker hat with this clear little pocket on the front of it so you can put pictures in it. the boys then proceeded to brainstorm possible picture pocket ideas. louis put this outfit on (hat & vest combo) that for some reason made him look like a total creaper...so we thought a pic of that would probably be cute

so yeah we head back to my house at around 3 30 i spose. and after louis shaves everything but the mustache that bryce and chris convinced him to keep, i proceeded to dye his hair blueblack, which is the color he selected. after i finished with him, i was like "hey, theres enough left here to do someone else" and of course we talk bryce into being that someone else.

in the end, last night was a fun night and the boys ended up lookin HOT . job well done.

oh oh, sidenote: andra and i finished the first season of the OC. joy! now we just have to wait til the 23rd so the second season comes out and we can continue her education.

Friday, August 12, 2005

my summer teen blockbuster

so i have returned in one piece from my little adventure to iowa. there would be WAY to much to get into on here, and to be quite frank i just dont have the energy. but i'll let ya'll in on some of what i am calling "my summer teen blockbuster" (andra might be the only one who gets that...)

>made it ALL the way to cresent, IA without gettin lost (true its pretty much a straight 7.5 hr shot down i29, but still) which would be great if cresent was my final destination, but it wasnt. council bluffs was...the same council bluffs that is pretty much adjacent to omaha. so neway, i miss my exit and end up in the creighton medical center parking lot...then the downtown omaha walgreens parking lot, where i waited for approximatly 26 minutes to be rescued by ray.

> got into the omaha zoo for free on my bday...not for any special reason, just because we walked in without paying. (bad ass, i know)

>managed to get a flat tired without even driving my car for 3 days....i have my ways. but got tire fixed and made my way home on wednesday. that was a sad day

other than that, highlights included ray's motorcylce, another original birthday present, gettin 3 'happy birthday song' voicemails, a great new cd, a pretty amazing view from the 'lookouts' , and the addition of one very special shirt to my wardrobe....a 20th birthday to be remembered

i'm sure i forgot stuff there...oh well, i tried. sorry

oh sidenote: in a random moment of impulsiveness i got my ears pierced again, can i get a hooha for double piercings??