Monday, August 22, 2005

lost or found?

well, i'm williston...the apartment is much smaller then anticapted. but we'll make the best of it. we dont have internet there yet. soon, hopefully.

i find myself really missing certain torn about that feeling, missing. on one hand, its a good thing cause you have something that u care enough about to miss...on the other hand, missing something hurts alot. hmmm

i was thinking in the car on the way down here...about being lost or found. i know in the past few years i've changed...(hopefully for the better) but the thing is that i dont know if i found myself, like discovered who i really am. or if i lost who i was, who i'm supposed to be.

idk, maybe they both kind of go together in way...dilemma


Blogger FBombAndy said...

You're right. No one wants to be lost, but no one can enjoy being found unless they are lost. Even knowing that people are looking for you is comforting sometimes.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, You really need to start updating your blog. everytime i come to the site and theres no new post, i cry. please, for me, write!!!!!!
love ya and miss ya,

11:13 AM  

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