Thursday, September 08, 2005

welcome back OC...its been too long

so...still nothing exciting to write about. but here goes....

OC season premiere was tonight...just got over. it was a good one. the oc never fails to make me proud. however, this just in...teal knows a guy who knows a guy, and the word on the street is that Fox got the rights to air the World Series this year...therefore, there shall be 4 episodes of the OC, followed by 4 WEEKS of no OC. yeesh. thanks goodness i have the first two seasons on dvd, for emergencies like this.

this new show (following the oc) is called reunion, and its got some serious potential. thats right, potential.

lets see what else...hangin out around here this weekend. should be a good time. as long as we can manage to remove all the "borrowed" lawn ornaments from our living room. we leave tate alone for one weekend and now there's a whole creapy little family of varying shades of white and gray with NO EYES gathered in our apartment. and not to be paranoid, but i'm pretty sure that they are reproducing at night, like rabbits.its only a matter of time until i wake up in the middle of the night and one of them (probably the creapy little boy one with his hands over his mouth like hes hiding something) is hovering at the end of my bed.

yup, Reunion is real good. great, now my thursdays are totally shot. the concept of the show is just new and cool. the first episode (today) was in 1986, and each episode is a new year. should be interesting

anyway, i think thats it for now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:47 PM  
Blogger Louie j said...

Awesome blog James, but it could be better...
damn spam comments.

enjoy the OC while you can!

11:02 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

haha what in my blog would make anyone think that i had an interest in buying & selling bedroom furniture online? that is funny...

1:14 PM  

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