Monday, December 06, 2004


it just wouldnt be fair of me to leave out baby sister...

Intruding on the arrangement Andra and I had going, fours years later, was JoDee. She’s the baby, and justly she was the most adorable little sister we could have asked for. She almost immediately grew out of that however. At the time, she was annoying. But now that I’m away from her, I realize how precious she is to me. She’s just so wonderfully goofy and quirky. She has no idea how jealous I am of the world she apparently sees every day; just marching to her own beat. The age gap is twice as big with JoDee, about eight years between us. My relationship with her is more protective. She’s my little sister, and nobody, other then myself, better ever hurt her or make her cry. But still, I see her growing up so fast and I’m excited to watch her become a young lady - and I’m so lucky that I get to be a part of it.


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