Monday, January 31, 2005


on one hand
i miss wayne with pretty much every fiber of my being. i miss just sittin with him in complete silence, miss watchin tv with him and the way he used to put his head on my stomach...i miss watchin him sleep, waking up and seeing that he was watching me sleep, falling asleep next to him, coming over to wake him up in the morning...

on the other hand
he does not miss me, he's made it clear he's over it. so how many great guys am i gonna turn down while i'm tryin to let go. how many guys can i look at and think to myself "yeah, he's great...but he's not wayne". i've made it so that not being wayne is a flaw in guys... i dont even know if i'm really tryin to let go, part of me is still holding on. a heart divided wont get anything accomplished. what to do...what to do...


Blogger FBombAndy said...

Great memories...a blessing and a curse. It'd be great if we could physically and emotionally experience those events again. But they are memories. Nothing more. So holding onto them is fine.

I've never been to North Dakota, but I am sure there are some near-flawless guys up there. While it's unfair to count them out because of one guy, it is completely understandable. If I had memories like yours (from the male perspective of course), I would do the same.

10:22 AM  
Blogger jamie said...

i wonder how many times i'm gonna end up saying "THANK YOU" to you :)

5:39 PM  

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