Monday, January 24, 2005

These are a few....

I'm tired of writing blogs about my emotions...i need a little break. and so i give you a random list of things about me. (it'll probably get updated from time to time)

* my favorite color is orange
* i'm scared of moths
* i HATE beer, ew...and i know i'm gettin drunk when my feet start to tingle
* i read cosmo almost religiously, and i'm ashamed of my addiction to it
* when i eat oranges, i only suck all the juice out of em (unless i peal ALL the weird white stuff and stringy skin off of it)
* the OC is my 'teen scene' of choice
* i dont drink pop
* i have the HUGEST passion for double quarter pounders with cheese from mcdonalds...its insane
* i wear "amber romance' body splash from victorias secret (if you've never smelled me, or this fragrance, please look into it)
* i love thrift store t-shirts
* my favorite powerade is the white kind :) yum
* my FAV tv show is Law & Order, specifically SVU (everyone i know disagrees)
* i have a birthmark right below my left boob...thats where it is, what can i say
* i'm a fan of 80's music and movies (I Love The 80's, anyone?)
* i collect old record albums, they're hangin on the wall in my dorm
* i no longer believe in the concept of a 'best friend'...just find people u care about and want to make happy (and vice versa) you may need different friends for different life happenings
* my middle name is Grace
* i talk alot in movie drives my friends nuts (but my little sister and i could go on for hours, no joke)
* i sleep on the top bunk in our dorm :)
* the first movie i ever cried at was All Dogs Go to Heaven (dont laugh, it was sad)
* i'm a quote collector...i have a book i write them down in, and a box i keep a bunch of them in..when i'm bored i look them up on the internet :)
* i wear a size 7 1/2 shoe
* i like ramen noodles w/o the broth
* jello tastes better cut into shapes
* i have drk brown eyes
* i think the swing is the all time best playground toy ever invented
* my fav. color to wear is green
* i'm right handed
* i'm a really emotional/passionate person
* i chew my nails, ew i know sorry
* i'm a cryer...
* i'm a point guard (5'4)
* i want to be a social worker...or a counselor
* i know what its like to have ur heart broken
* my legs turn a tad bit inward when i walk...its cute, or something
* i love love love being barefoot in the summer
* im a text message addict...its pricey

okay, i think thats a good start...


Blogger jamie said...

thanks, i'll try...

7:17 AM  
Blogger FBombAndy said...

And I could say 6 or 7 of those same things. Good list. I did 20 and ran out of things to say. Pretty pathetic, eh? The white is good, but I also like the blue.

1:03 PM  

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