Wednesday, March 02, 2005

what if?

u hear it all the time when ur tryin to make a big decision...people tell you "you dont want to look back and say 'what if?'"...but i was thinking. isnt 'what if?' somewhat unavoidable? i mean, theres always at least 2 sides to a by picking one you automatically create a 'what if?'. just, if the decision turns out well, then we choose to ignore the 'what if'. only in the rubble of the poor decision do we awknowledge the 'what if'.

(ooo...could that be quoteable? let me know...haha)


Blogger FBombAndy said...

And accurate.

Although, there are times when I ask myself 'what if I had made the wrong decision?' But that's just to reinforce my idea that I do the right thing most of the time.

Totally quotable.

2:23 PM  

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