Friday, March 25, 2005

will you follow him?

alright, so this is gonna be a religous post. so those of u who arent interested, might wanna pass on this one.

so, i just recently returned home from the good friday church service. actually, it was more of a reinactment of the crucifiction called Driving Nails. so i'm feelin inspired.

i've been complaining lately that i feel unworthy of love or whatever...but really, i've been ignoring the unconditional love that i recieve from God. the kind of love that jesus had for us, do die the way he did for us...its really amazing if you think about it. they sang this song idk what it was called, but one line was
"i love you, thats what calvary said...i love you, written in letters of red"

needless to say i cried during the program. but its really really moving. i'm a religous person, but since i went to school i've been kind of neglecting that part of my life. i mean, i pray every night and whenever else i feel the urge - but i havent been attending church and i can just feel it missing. after i go to church i just feel calm, content...idk how to explain it. but yeah.

so neway, we said this prayer asking God into our lives. they call it 'recieving christ', which i've done before. but neway, this prayer is just a good one. so i'm gonna share it with you. (if u dont believe in God or whatever, just dont say the prayer, its that simple...)

Dear Lord Jesus,
I do believe You are the Son of God and that you died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sin.
Please come into my life, forgive my sin, and make me a member of Your family. I now turn from going my own way. I want You to be the center of my life.
Thank you for Your gift of eternal life and for Your Holy Spirit who had now come to live in me.
I ask this in Your name. Amen

so if anyone hasnt been to a reinactment like this, i recommend it. its really an amazing experience.


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