Sunday, June 19, 2005

kids say the darndest things...

wow, sorry...i have not written in AGES. thats my bad, i take full blame
this will probably just be me quickly updating....

about the title....little kids are so cute lately. i mean, always, but i've noticed lately.

example A) mykaela, the little girl i babysit.
her and i were outside the other day, she was playing on her slip-n-side. her dad had just recently mowed the grass and hadnt bagged it, so little pieces of grass were stuck all over mykaela. neway, she was gettin a drink of water when i hear this little concerned voice go "jamie? um, is it okay if you swallow grass?" haha it was soo funny. so innocent. i was like "oh i think it'd be okay...did u swallow some?" "no...well idk, i just saw some in my cup"

example B) watchin old man (well, older neway) softball the other day and one of the guys had his son with. his dad hit the ball and the other team caught it, when he walked by to get his glove the little boy ran up to him and was like "dad? how come u hit it to the white team?" haha, everyone was laughing

lets see...what else is new. i'm just workin basketball camp and babysitting. camp is alot of work, long days....i totally respect poeple who work all day on their feet doing like, manual labor. i could never do it.

i guess thats about it for now. thats sad. during the day, i always find myself thinking "oh i could write that in my blog" but then i always forget. i'm not very interesting this summer. haha, oh well


Blogger emlodnaor said...

i love this about kids, the way they think, and speak.

12:42 PM  

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