Wednesday, April 27, 2005

stupid blogger

i hate blogger....i typed a whole entry! a big one, full of stuff
and now its gone...gone where u ask? idk, ask blogger...grrr

so, now i'm just mad...totally uninspired.

lets see....i'm really sad that schools almost over. dont get me wrong, classes could've ended weeks ago for me. but theres people here i really care about, and i dont want to lose them - and i'm scared i'm gonna. sad times.

okay, enough of that

volleyball...wasnt quite as embarrassing as i had anticpated...but it was close. haha but we must me teaching them well...cause they pointed out stuff we did wrong.

3rd grade girl after our game - "i didnt hear u call 'mine'"
me - "u didnt? oh...well...i did." :S busted

we also had our first games on monday...the kids that is. ever witnessed a 3/4 grade volleyball game? something like this....

serve attempt, net
roll ball under net
serve attempt, net
roll ball under net
serve attempt, over, ball shanked either across the gym or into another childs face
serve attempt, net

for an hour. fun....i'm earning my pay damnit...and i get to do it all over again tomorrow. whoop whoop

All I really really want our love to do
Is to bring out the best in me and in you too

- All I Want, Joni Mitchell


Blogger Natalie said...

hey, about loosing your entire blog, i hate it too! but there is this 'recover post' button and you're supposed to be able to recover your blog. you might want to try that next time! good luck.

8:29 AM  
Blogger jamie said...

Thanks :) i'll look into that next time...cept there isnt gonna be a next time, right blogger?

11:23 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

well thank you macdave...i'll keep that in mind

5:55 PM  

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