Tuesday, April 19, 2005

wow, sorry

so i havent posted in a real long time...sorry. now i have a ton to talk about and its probably gonna be rushed and not as good. but i'm makin an effort to update u guys on the happenings in my life :)

i got a job! haylee, teal, and myself are coaching youth volleyball (yes, volleyball) at the rec center. i know what ur thinking, i have no absolutely no business coaching vb. but hey, is it my fault the rec doesnt do a background check to see if the coaches they're hiring have actually played more then 1 yr of vb? i think not. however, it seems this might backfire on me tomorrow...because the main lady informed us that we would be puttin on a little 'demonstration' - and then she informed the little kids that we were gonna show them some "really good vb". *gulp* i'm preparing myself to be rather embarassed tomorrow. haha, oh well...i'm gettin paid.

here's on odd tidbit of info. lately, peope i know are having weird dreams about me. for example...
> teal dreamed that she was holding my engagement ring (for those of u who dont know, im soo not engaged)
> my roommate haylee had a dream that i had a baby...at school. like, it lived in our dorm with us.
> laura, my suitemate, had a dream that i was pregnant

so these were weird, but we all hang out all the time..so its not completely bizzare that their brains would be thinking alike

enter the kicker....last week in bio, amanda (this girl we only know from class) walks in and is like "jamie i had the weirdest dream about you!" to which i joking reply "it wasnt that i was pregnant was it?" and she gets this surprised look on her face and nods. she's like "yeah that was it!" hmmm....idk what to make of this

this past weekend was probably the best weekend of 2005. this weekend rocked hard. a) i got to go home, which could be enough said...but it gets better. b) NEW FOUND GLORY CONCERT. fan-freakin-tastic. i had the best time. hearing them sing the songs you love in person, i cant even explain it. when they sang "I Dont Wanna Know" there was a mere ONE PERSON in between me and the bar in front of the stage. i could have died happy. nothing compares.
there are a few bands i still need to see live (not want to...NEED to) this list includes, but is not limited to
> Blink 182 > Relient K
> Greenday > Our Lady Peace

also this weekend i hung out with my old friends Kevin, Pat, and Casey. kevin sat behind me in ap bio junior year and pat sat next to him. they all go to und so i hung out at their dorms pretty much all weekend. between the concert and hangin out with those guys i acquired a mere 9 hrs of sleep fri night thru sun morning. ouch. when i left their dorm on sat night (technically, sunday morning) the sun was coming up. oops :)
i met some of their friends from school too. one of these friends i have become quite taken with :) his names nick...but thats another post. (teal, i'm tryin to control my giddyness...promise) haha

well...i think thats about it for now. oh wait, sorry for the series of depressing posts. i let myself get sulky. but i'm much much better now :) all smiles and warm fuzzies


Blogger Louie j said...

James, I'd get a pregnacy test just in case... you never know!

10:13 AM  

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