Saturday, May 14, 2005

longer goodbyes...

SUCKED saying goodbye to my friends. tears tears tears. i miss u guys so much already. teal got a few tears outta me. and then laura and tate just broke me down.

so...said goodbye to my roommate (haylee) yesterday. that was really sad. i honesty could not have a had a better roommate. i did manage to not cry in front of her. yeah me. (ok so i cried when i got into the dorm room...but come on, it was SOO empty. laura, tate, and haylee all gone. nothin but an empty room and me..u woulda cried too)

had a great last day in williston tho. hung out with lori, nathan, and bobby. they 'helped' me finish packing (and by help i mean bobby and nate threw bouncie balls around the room and at me and lori...haha) then we went to lori's and road her dads golf carts! haha, we played tag. but the boys are fat (haha, jk guys) so lori and i were way faster. and lori has skill on a golfcart, wow. minus the freezing cold weather (we couldnt feel our all) , what lori and i believe was hail, tryin to dodge chunks of flying mud (cheeks and tongues are vulnerable targets), almost being tagged into a ditch full of ice cold ditch water, and coming very close to being runover by a bus full of fieldtrippers, it was a great time. (okay actually, those things made it a better time)

then came sayin goodbye. not a good time. like, 3 rounds of hugs. and lori and i cried, crappage lori! it was soo sad sayin goodbye to you! those 3 went to mcdonalds to eat, i went thru the drive thru...i was cryin when i tried to order, the guy was like "um...could u repeat that?" haha oops. so i called nate while i was waitin for my food and i was like 'i dont wanna go!' i was supposed to leave at 5 to meet my family in 7 i called my mom and told her i was stayin one more night. haha...then i took my food from the drive thru in to eat with them :)

so last night lori, bobby, nate, cory, and me ended up goin to the drive-in. fever pitch and amittyville horror were both playing. id seen both...but oh well. it was fun :) even tho i fell asleep during amittyville. i was tired ok, back off. emotionally drained

who woulda thought i'd have that much trouble leaving williston? seven months ago, i hated it. but i finally departed at 9:45 this morning. sad times

the best of times
and the best of friends
come to mind
as this year ends


as long as we have memories,
yesterday remains
as long as we have hope,
tomorrow awaits
as long as we have friendship,
today is beautiful



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