Friday, February 18, 2005

Hawaiian Night Rocks My World

we won our game last night :) woohoo for us...miles city was up by 2 at halftime, but we played really well the second half and went on a few big runs. SO proud of the girls! unfortunately the boys lost. that sucks...but they'll recover i'm sure.

then came the dance...soo fun. probably one of the top 3 times i've had since i've been here :) we drank a little (sorry mom) then went to the dance...unlike my extrememly talented beer bonging friends, i passed on the bong. but i had a great time anyway. i love u girls, too much fun :)

however...i believe i've put myself into a bit of a bad situation. so i'm starting to feel myself letting go of wayne...realizing its just not gonna happen. and theres this SUPER nice guy here that we hang out with alot (i've never hung out with him by myself or anything) and awhile ago he said he 'kinda liked me' but we talked about it and i said he was real nice and i kinda like him, but i just wasnt ready for a relationship or anything.
sounds okay right...but then we start hangin out with his friends more and more...and one of his friends is a real nice guy too (i think we can see where this is going) BUT i refuse REFUSE refuse to let myself have feelings for this josh's friend cause i, of all people, know better then that.
but, last night, in my somewhat intoxicated state, i took it upon myself to be a tad flirty with the friend. damn me. i know.
my friends here are of the opinion that i am doing nothing wrong by liking him.
"Its not like u and josh were going out - or even seeing eachother"
"You cant control your like who you like...this is not
like what happened to you"

I disagree...i feel like such a bad person for having feelings (and i use the term losely...its not like i'm in love or even close with either of these guys) for both of them. its SO not fair to either of them. it seems the only solution is to remain platonic with each of them...


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