Wednesday, February 16, 2005

detox update #1

so hopefully there arent TOO many detox updates...i do have a life outside of my little detox project.

but real quick like, i think he's more then likely got the letter now. havent heard from him. idk how i feel. cept that i feel like i'm only pretending i want to get over him and let go. i know its what seems necissary...

in other news (see i told u i have a life) last night was a GOOD night :) laura, one of my suite mates, is in a 'prevention and care' class for athletic training...and she had to practice her taping on us. so haylee, teal, and myself got all taped up! ankles, shins, elbows, fingers, heels, was sweet. and then of course we had to take like 20 pictures. -we couldnt let an oppurtunity for that kinda of photo shoot pass us by!- then we all went to 'midnight bowling'. which was another good time...we met some of the guys there. and we're all just dorks, so its pretty hard not to have fun :) we have a good group going. i hope they stick around for awhile :)

also, for lent, teal haylee and i gave up sweets. (strength in numbers) and i'll admit we all cheat a little *hope made dirt cake! what was i supposed to do?* However, teal? she sucks. bad. she eats sweets AT LEAST once a day. and now its gotten to the point where shes tryin to hide it from me. so yesterday, she comes up to my room and like, dives onto my bed (top bunk) and like, totally face plants it right into my sheets (like i made my bed, yeah right) so we all laugh about it. funny times...until about 15 minutes later when tate climbs up there (teal got down) and goes "ew jamie whats all over ur sheets? someone ate chocolate in bed" and i was like, "what? i dont even hardly eat chocolate..." and teal raises her hand all happy and is like "I ate chocolate in ur bed!" i go check out the damage...its gross. big old spot of it right in the middle of my sheets, like where my chest would be when i sleep. then theres a little fingerprint up by my pillow, and a big smear ON my pillow case *gasp* i'm like "TEAL! how much chocolate was in ur mouth??" her reply? "two turtles" TWO of em! "i was tryin to hide em from u" TWO of em! so now i have gross chocolate turtle crap all over my bed. ew.

she owes me laundry ;)


Blogger FBombAndy said...

Wow, it does sound like you had plenty of fun.

'gross chocolate turtle crap'
The funniest thing I've read in a long while.

10:21 AM  
Blogger jamie said...

haha i'm glad u liked it :)

10:01 PM  

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