Friday, March 04, 2005

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

that quote has nothing to do with my entry today...i just couldnt think of a title and i like that quote :)

i've been thinking a lot lately about next year. a few of the girls on the team that i've grown quite close to are very strongly considering not coming back next year :(...sad. plus, 5 sophmores graduate. so next year will be like, entirely knew people. i love the girls this year, they're so much fun. and knowing next year will be different is just really sad to me. like, heavy sad.

and that led me to think of after next year (some of u know how my mind goes like a billion miles per hour and thinks about every possible outcome...try living like that people) but yeah, after next year we'll all split up anyway, even if laura and tate do come back. after next year they'll go back to south dakota, lacey will go back to iowa or who knows where, haylee will venture out, lori will probably stay on this side of the state, i'll go back to the East (teal, thankfully, is coming with me)...its just so sad!

its not even just the girls from the team either...the other friends we've made this year are all older then most of them will likely leave too. :( one yr doesnt seem like enough time to spend with the people u care about. especially when we all feel the year starting to wind down.

its just strange knowing that next year we have to kind of start over with it all again.

i could try to be an optomist here and realize that its just an oppurtunity to make even more good friends :) idk if i'm feeling that yet tho, haha


Blogger FBombAndy said...

I'd be lying if I said "I know how you feel." I figure I'm lucky since I'm still around the friends I've made here in Austin. And I still keep in contact with some of my old high school friends.

But that just emphasizes the beauty of cell phones, emails, and IMs. Throw in a blog or two, and it'll be easy to keep up with everyone.

It's all about how close they are to here. *points to heart*

OK, that was a little cliché. Sorry.

1:00 PM  

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