Friday, January 07, 2005

cross one off

i have this personal list of things i want to do before i die (okay okay so i stole the idea from the movie A Walk To Remember, sue me) i sorta get to mark one off. (i'm not gonna share the whole list, sorry) NEway, so one of the items was to say something 'quoteable'...anyone who knows me well knows i have a minor obsession w/ quotes. i bought a book and write good ones in it, and i have a quote box too, that i keep em all in. wierd i know. but i did it...of course its pretty hard to say something thats NEVER been said before these days, but i at least said something quoteable. woo hoo. i was talkin to a friend of mine (of the female persuasion) about boy trouble that has linked us. and i said somethign to her, and today it was her screen name and she said "hey i used what u said as my name, and i wanted to make sure it was okay" (see that right there, the asking for permission, is what i decided makes it quoteable) :)

so here it is...drum role please...."sometimes the only way to learn who you really are, is to figure out what you dont want to be"

its pathetic, but i'm proud of this :) cross one off!


Blogger FBombAndy said...

If it helps any, I'll go around saying it. And afterwards I'll put on that face that says, "Yea, that's right. Think about it."

12:38 AM  
Blogger jamie said...

haha yes, please do that :)

12:39 PM  

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