Saturday, March 05, 2005

Birthday Week

so many birthdays this week, my hand is cramped from writing cards :)


happy birthdays to you, happy birthdays to you, happy birthdays dear jenny, gma, and josh! happy birthdays to you

haha ok now that i got that outta my system...

on the agenda for this evening...just us girls watchin some scary movies (idk why i'm choosing this, i only watch like, half the movie cause i get scared and cover my eyes the whole time...big baby) neway, what else...

oh! today is josh's actual birthday, so and extra HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUN! to him :) haha, josh slept at our dorm last nigh (oh yeah, thats against the rules, we're rebels in suite 1) him and i just crashed on laura and tate's floor. haha dont worry, it was all innocent :) we all slept til like 2 today, cept tate, idk what time she got up. we're lazy, it was a beautiful day and we wasted it. oopsi :) haha

well, we're off to watch Shawn of the Dead. sidenote: i found a kick-ass knitted hat in tate's car tonight when we rented our movie. its green...and white. and it rocks my world :) haha!


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