Thursday, April 07, 2005


so there's a couple reasons i havent wrote nething lately....

a) my computer doesnt really like me, and wasnt feelin me writing in my blog and 2)i just didnt (and dont) have nething to say...i'm w/o words

those combined as a sign that i just wasnt supposed to write
so since i have nothing to say, i'm just gonna put a few random quotes and lyrics and what not that describe how i feel lately...alright here goes

I always waste my time just wondering what the next man thinks of me....

What do u do when u look in the mirror, and what u see is why he’s not here

I've hung around you
It's getting tough
I think I'm gonna break down soon
I'm so sorry
Got to the station a little too late
Such a shame
We just missed the train

I dont want the sympathy
Its cool you didnt want me
Sometimes you cant go back

Ever since I've known you, It just seems you're on my way

this last one is just something i've been thinking.... "how do u let urself miss out on something that felt so right? something that made u feel okay again?"


Blogger FBombAndy said...

Random quotes and lyrics work for me. I like it.

Good to see you back.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, that is interesting. . .. .

4:31 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

what is interesting? hmmmmm....

10:13 AM  

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