Monday, December 27, 2004

come & go

its strange some people drift in and out of your life...i can think of a few friends that i've experienced this with. it may be delusional; but i think that if, during this whole 'letting go' process i'm working thru right now, if i think that maybe someday some of these people that i onced cherished will find their way back, it will be easier to do.

today i went with my dad to his practice (he coaches the boys team in a class B town hear where we live) ne way, i'm gettin outta shape already - so i ran stairs for 15 minutes, shot around, and then scrimmaged with the c squad team..good times. and in the midst of this, one of my guy friends drifted back in :) havent talked to him in a few months, but started talkin again and it was just like old times. life is odd - beautifuly odd. speakin of people drifting in, derrick would definently be one of those drifters. he should hang around awhile, he makes me happy :) (louie, u have no idea how happy u tend to make me...i always smile when i'm around u)

so i think my point is something like this ** when you're scared to let someone go, or let someone in, remember that as long as you live people are going to come and go...some will make u happy, some sad...but isnt that what life is? a series of events and people and experiences that your string together to define yourself? **


Blogger Louie j said...

James, you make happy whenever I just talk to you, it's just so much fun; I smile all the time when you're around also (Green Mill). And I absolutely agree with the last part of the post; but there's always people that you need to keep near or far far away.

1:07 AM  

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