Friday, December 24, 2004

merry christmas (eve)

i love love love christmas is by far the best time of the year. today was amazing. pastor marty dominated his sermon, the musical offerings were beautiful, the childrens sermon was adorable, and the candles were glorious! yes, good times were had by all.
during pastor marty's message, u could tell that everyone was very intently listening, total silence. and then at the EXACT same moment, two babies in opposite corners of the congregation started was strange. it broke the moment for like 10 seconds, and then they both stopped (at the EXACT same time). it made me think that babies are for sure privy to something us "grown ups" arent.
oh well, on to presents...the aunts, uncles, cousins, and g-rents are arriving :) i cant wait to see how everyone likes their gifts...i didnt really ask for anything, so i'm not getting my hopes up. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!


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