Tuesday, January 04, 2005

and i'm BACK in the game

well, i've been back in williston since friday....yup, that friday - new years eve friday. so new years eve was a bit of a bust. not a whole lot of anything going on around, but its okay cause i can just lay around. wait, i should correct that...i can lay around when i'm NOT sweating my butt off at two-a-day practices. yikesa.

i really wasnt looking forward to coming back...and i'm not all that thrilled about beign here either. but its fun seeing the girls and hangin out with them again. basketball is smokin me right now, but oh well. i miss home and i think part of the reason is because i left unfinished business. crappage. i gotta sort that stuff out somehow.


Blogger FBombAndy said...

Good to see you back.

11:10 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

thanks, did ya miss me? ;)

9:49 AM  

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