Thursday, March 31, 2005

ode to the swing

okay so im not writing a poem or nething....sorry

tonight, was a real good night. first we all (teal, tate, haylee, laura, nate, josh, and myself) went out to a bonfire...good times, even tho apparently i attract smoke. i dont. promise.

then we moved on to the park. i love parks. merry-go-round first. always fun. relaxing in a weird way. then i hit the swings. the swing is by far, hands down, the best piece of playground equipment ever created. i could swing forever. especially at night. its so calm and just put ur head back and watch as the stars get closer, then farther away, then closer again. amazing feeling for me. and my head just clears and i can think.

tonight i got stuff figured out. finally. i wont go into details on what i was thinking about....but my conclusion is this - let it be - . just keep quiet and life will be much simpler for, well for the other party involved. i dont wanna complicate things cause at this point, we have a little over a month left together. and i dont wanna risk that. its too late

one month...seems like such a short time. it doesnt seem like enough to time to do everything, to know everything, to say everything. so why exacerbate things...i'll just let it be.

close encounter

hmm...last night was, interesting. as usual, i ended up being the last of us four girls to get in the shower. so i start the shower, and pop into laura & tate's room to make sure they dont need nething out of the bathroom. laura says no, but i cant find tate - oh well.

so - i go back into the bathroom, lock the door. hang up my towel next to the shower, remove any articles of clothing i dont want to get wet...and get in the shower. the whole process probably takes a couple of minutes. neway, im in the shower for about 20 seconds when i hear someone squeel and go running by the shower!

it scared me soo bad, i almost died! i screamed. yup, screamed. then i realize it was tate! LOL she was in the bathroom the whole time and just didnt say anything. i thought it was hilarious - i was like, 'tate! why didnt u just say something?!' or why didnt u just lock the door? i would've waited if u were goin potty or something

so thats my close encounter....

however, an intersting fact has been brought to my attention -- it appears that what i had previously thought to be a misunderstanding...was intentional!! tate was hiding in the bathroom on purpose! CREAPER

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

tell me something...

alright...i havent posted in awhile, my apologies to the handful of you that care.

neway, been thinking a lot lately - i want people in my life who arent afraid to tell me something about myself that i may not realize. people who dont tiptoe around me, attempting to avoid confrontation. i'm not sayin i want drama in my life...i want honesty. if i'm annoying, mean, needy, whatever - i want someone who'll let me know. i mean, not in an asshole way; dont make me feel like shit. but if u can point out my flaws in an effort to make me a better person, i'll respect the hell out of you.

its just that, sometimes i really dont think i know myself at all...

so i propose this -- if any of ya'll have something to tell me, anything at all; something about me, about you, about whatever. let me have it. on here, or in person or whatever. but the floor is yours. a chance to tell me something you've wanted to tell me but werent sure you should...people, give me the good, bad, and ugly of jamie. teach me something about myself. please :)

Monday, March 28, 2005


so i stole this from someone's blog, who had stolen it from someone else's, idk what that means but...yeah ne way, its GREAT advice...and its what i want :(

“Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who stays awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who pursues you, who kisses your forehead, who does random things to make sure you know how much he cares, who wants to show you off when you are in sweats, who thinks you are the prettiest when you have no makeup on, who holds your hand always…because he wants to. Wait for the guy who would do anything to spend time with you, who always asks you how you are doing and who truly thinks he is 'lucky.' The one who looks at his friends and says, 'that’s her.'”


Saturday, March 26, 2005


so just a few minutes ago i ran outside to grab a little something outta my car quick...and the weather just felt so perfect. idk exactly how to explain it. but i was running and the smell and feel just hit me, and i stopped and just breathed in and looked around.

the sun was almost set, the sky was like a rusty pink and orange and blue....the snow is almost completely just reminded me of shooting around with my dad or sisters or wayne, rollerblading with andra, driving around w/DQ, goin over to His house on sunday nights, having fires in the backyard, sittin outside talkin...

idk, it was a really good feeling. but kinda sad at the same time...knowin things probably wont ever be like that again. hmm, gave me stuff to think about i guess

Sidnote (or PS for those of u who find it soo funny): Happy Easter!


okay, so this has been one of my favorite songs since gentina introduced me to it freshman year. when we had to sing solo's to audtion ~gasp, i know...scary~ for concert choir when i was a sophmore, i sang this song (and jonathan played guitar, i LOVE that kid) ne way, its an amazing song. and i love it. so, read, download, enjoy

I was thinking that I might fly today
Just to disprove all the things that you say
It doesn't take a talent to be mean
Your words can crush things that are unseen

So please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
And I'd like to stay that way

You always tell me that it's impossible
To be respected, and be a girl
Why's it gotta be so complicated
Why you gotta tell me if I'm hated
So please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
And I'd like to stay that way

When I was thinking, that it might do some good
If we robbed the cynics and took all their food
That way what they believe will have taken place
And we can give it people who have some faith

So please be careful with me, I'm sensitive
And I'd like to stay that way

I have this theory, that if we're told we're bad
Then that's the only idea we'll ever have
But maybe if we are surrounded in beauty
Someday we will become what we see
'Cause anyone can start a conflict
it's harder yet to disregard it
I'd rather see the world from another angle
We are everyday angels
Be careful with me 'cause I'd like to stay that way

~I'm Sensitive, Jewel

Friday, March 25, 2005

will you follow him?

alright, so this is gonna be a religous post. so those of u who arent interested, might wanna pass on this one.

so, i just recently returned home from the good friday church service. actually, it was more of a reinactment of the crucifiction called Driving Nails. so i'm feelin inspired.

i've been complaining lately that i feel unworthy of love or whatever...but really, i've been ignoring the unconditional love that i recieve from God. the kind of love that jesus had for us, do die the way he did for us...its really amazing if you think about it. they sang this song idk what it was called, but one line was
"i love you, thats what calvary said...i love you, written in letters of red"

needless to say i cried during the program. but its really really moving. i'm a religous person, but since i went to school i've been kind of neglecting that part of my life. i mean, i pray every night and whenever else i feel the urge - but i havent been attending church and i can just feel it missing. after i go to church i just feel calm, content...idk how to explain it. but yeah.

so neway, we said this prayer asking God into our lives. they call it 'recieving christ', which i've done before. but neway, this prayer is just a good one. so i'm gonna share it with you. (if u dont believe in God or whatever, just dont say the prayer, its that simple...)

Dear Lord Jesus,
I do believe You are the Son of God and that you died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sin.
Please come into my life, forgive my sin, and make me a member of Your family. I now turn from going my own way. I want You to be the center of my life.
Thank you for Your gift of eternal life and for Your Holy Spirit who had now come to live in me.
I ask this in Your name. Amen

so if anyone hasnt been to a reinactment like this, i recommend it. its really an amazing experience.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

reaking havic in walmart, my friend lori and i ventured to walmart to pick up a few items and drop off my camera at the 1 hr. photo. we had no idea what we were getting ourselves in to.

so on our way i realize that i have a picture left...cant allow that. so, logically, we go to the old lady hat department; get big old hats, and take our picture. the flash was immediatly followed by some old lady scolding us "ladies, u are not allowed to take photographs in here..."who knew? and she was scowling when she said it.

so we drop off the film

then we move on to the 'facial astringent' section...lori was interested in tryin some out. however, she didnt want nething that, and i quote "smelled to alcoholic or burny" so, of course we're both hard at work smelling toner and astringent when i stumble across that 'morning glow' stuff. which is orange and supposed to wake u up, so we assumed it must smell okay. so i hand the bottle to lori, turn away for like .2 seconds, and to my left i hear a tiny little "eeee!"

lori, in her attempt to smell the toner, has squirted herself in the face. and morning glow toner is dripping off her face, out her nose, out her mouth onto the floor. yeah, thats right. squirted herself - in the face. funniest thing ever. of course we panicked and ran away, leaving a puddle of toner behind us. haha lori, never a dull moment with ya!

it doesnt end there tho...she also got 'john freida - radiant red' shampoo on her nose. smooth, very smooth

and of course, our adventure came full circle when we picked up my pictures, got in her car (armed with our very cherry gumballs) and took a look at our 'against the law, hat' pic...and proceeded to laugh insanely for about the next 5 minutes. we're quite photogenic. haha ;)

lori, we gotta go to walmart more often

Monday, March 21, 2005

my ideal

so i was talkin to a couple of my female friends this weekend, and i happened to mention that a certain someone was my 'ideal'. (as in ideal guy) so of course this made me think....i'm tryin to compile a list of qualities, traits, characteristics or whatever ur want to call them. but things that my ideal would have or whatever.

so lets see - where to begin (these arent really in order of importance or nething..just in the order i thought of them in)

*sense of humor comparable to my own...which tends to be alittle dark at times, i'm not gonna apologize :)
*kind...kindess is so sexy! ;)
*not afraid of what others think about him
*into least someone who will sit thru a basketball game with me, maybe two
*physically (hey, looks are semi important okay) the first thing i look at is neck, hands, eyes eyes eyes :) oh and i like skinny, tallish skinny guys (if thats confusing, let me know - i'll try to explain better)

i'll think of more....really i'm not all too picky. i mean, my type is pretty inclusive. i could fall for neone ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

look what i found

haha oh gosh, i'm SURE ya'll are gonna make fun of me for this, but i found this poem, and i love it. its hilarious....

Bleezer's Ice Cream

I am Ebenezer Bleezer,
there are flavors in my freezer
you have never seen before,
twenty-eight divine creations
too delicious to resist,
why not do yourself a favor,
try the flavors on my list:


I am Ebenezer Bleezer,
taste a flavor from my freezer,
you will surely ask for more.

by Jack Prelutsky

try and tell me u didnt smile when u read that....

be the one worth fighting for...

alright, so its been a few days since i wrote anything cause i've been computerless at the state class B boys basketball tourny since thursday. good time, but more on that later

once again, i'm not able to sleep at night. (however, whenever my friends and i attempt to watch a movie, i'm gone...just cant sleep when i want to)

so, i once again find myself up til all hours of the night thinking. im beginning to believe that i should be medicated for my problem with 'overthinking'....its bad.

i'm sure all of u are wondering what has been occupying my mind...i guess its not really anything specific. it has come to my attention, thru discussions i've had recently and all my time spent thinking, that i'm really terrified that i'm not worth the effort.

(i feel the need to make an insertion here...i am so not depressed. really.)

okay, but i'm pretty sure this all comes from my hopelessly romantic heart. its a bit of a curse. okay, but i just have this horrible feeling that i'm really replaceable. in a 'oh well its over, i'm fine' sort of way. its proven true in the past...i mean, i know some people just arent ment to be, and so therefor obviously move on. but i just want love that is worth sacrificing for, the kind of love where u look at someone and say "my life is not complete w/o you, and i'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you" (of course, to a healthy point..i mean, 'whatever it takes' in sane nonfreakish way)just, the type of feeling where you cant just give up on it.

to illistrate what i mean, here's one of my absolute favorite quotes...

Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more.
--Erica Jong

trust me, i am fully aware of how dangerous my romanticism is becoming. real life very well may not ever fulfill my romantic dreams. but i look at my parents, and i mean, its not like some cheesy romance novel or fairytail - but they are so in love, so perfect for eachother. the kind of couple that u just know was ment for eachother because you could never picture them with anyone else.

and so far, it seems that maybe i'm lacking the qualities that attract love worth fighting for, risking everything for. i do however, possess a firm grasp on the qualities that allow for a lack of trust in me and also allow for it to be ridiculously easy to get over me. :) ouch huh? i guess in a way its almost exciting knowin that someday i will find that. but right now, its just really annoying that the person i feel that way about, isnt feeling it.

that leads me to a you get over past love when u meet ur next love? or do you have to be over past love before new love can begin?

(okay, and so this week while i was home...someone, who will remain nameless, told me that i am Daria. do u remember daria on mtv? am i daria???)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

my first blind date

where to friend from HS,alyssa. we went out for dinner at speedway last night, and she mentions that she has this male friend who saw a picture of me and was interested in meeting me. (lol i know, its crazyiness) so one thing leads to another, and before i can say 'i'm am so not cool enough to go on a blind date', i'm on a blind date.

i have to admit, i accepted this blind invitation partly to remind myself that whether i want to or not, i have to move on. ('dont hold on, go get strong' yeah yeah yeahs...that was my inspiration on this little adventure) i went into with no expectations, little lone high ones.

righto, ok so before i go into details of tonights events between the hours of 6:35 and about 9:10...i must state that mr. blind date (eric) was a super nice guy. i have no problems with him in the least...he's a good guy.

that said, let me start from the beginning

movie started at 7:15, so when he asked what time he should pick me up, i logically figured around 7. i live close to the theator. he suggests, how bout 6:15...6:15! a whole hour early. to which i calmly reply, 'well how bout closer to 6:30 cause my moms makin supper and i was gonna eat with my family'. so ok, agreed. he pulls up at approx. 6:35...i go to the car, open the door, and immediatly am hit with a shocklingly strong scent of cologne. as i got into the car, i took what turned out to be my last breathe of fresh air all evening.

i'm usually not picky about attire when it comes to guys...but this guy was just the total opposite of my taste. i felt underdressed for the occasion in my jeans and sweashirt + vest
item a) leather coat...not jacket, like tough guy motorcycle jacket or something, but coat. like with collar and buttons and cuffed sleeves. comparable to a womans coat.
item b) leather gloves (nuff said)
item c) the comment, "i need to get my hair, cut and highlighted, but last time it cost me $150." (editors note: i got my hair cut today, and i wrote a measly $25 check, including tip. and i look damn fine)
item d) the comment, "i went tanning the other day" (guys, no matter how pale u think u are, dont go to a tanning bed...i love u for u, not ur fake orange tan..or ur expensive highlights)

but hey, i'm not a vain person. i'm giving the guy a chance, cause he seems real nice and besides, who am i to judge. (and as it turns out, is real nice) so we get to the movie, he pays, two tickets to The Curse (nice guy). however, pick up at 6:35, movie at 7:15 we are like 25 minutes early to this movie. we walk into theater #9, which i had taken as a good sign, seein as 9's my lucky way, we walk in to an EMPTY theater. thats right, just the Cologne and i. plus, we're so early that nothin is on the screen yet. just a blank screen. so the scene so far is this -- very empty, lighted theatre, blank screen, cheesy background music--

we force small talk for 20 minutes and mericfully, God smiles on us and the previews begin. so all is well, we're watchin the movie, jumping at the scary parts and what not...when suddenly my date sits up in his seat, reaches towards me (i was scared ok, i didnt know what was happening,and it was happening so fast...) and grabs my hand. not smooth at all. just grabs it. so now we're very unromantically holding hands. and to top it off, he rubs the side of my hand with his thumb, which generally, is unbelieveably adorable in my book. but i dont know this guy, and he certainly does not know me...and all i can think is "wtf, why r we holding hands? and why why r u rubbing my hand?" but here's the best part - he was holding my hand SO HARD...idk if he thought i was gonna try to run away or something....but i honestly lost feeling in all four fingers and my thumb. it got to the point where it actually hurt. and what was i supposed to do? how do u say something? "um, excuse me? yeah sorry...but could u not hold my hand so tight? i think my fingers r gonna fall off" so i just endured it.

and as if this isnt bad enough...ladies ur gonna love this next part. (and gentlemen, if u dont wanna hear about my boob, skip this paragraph) so he's sittin to my left right, and ensuring that i will never have full use of my left hand again...when all of a sudden, my left boob itches SO bad. and can i do nething about it? of course not. i cant reach with my right hand, its way to left hand is in the bear trap, so i just had to endure that as well.

scenario recap here -- cant breathe (cologne), sharp pain in the fingers i can still feel,(mentioning the boob again) increasingly annoying boob itch--

so this went on thru the entire movie. and the movie wasnt that great. it was ok, a little funny at times. but at one point, a werwolf actually flips someone off. that was kinda lame. but oh well.

so thats my blind date experience. my hand is recovering nicely, but it was touch and go there for awhile

Monday, March 14, 2005


so i finally got to sleep in today, and trust me...i took full advantage. i have been up for approx. i hr and 15 min. haha, i'm lazy its horrible.

yesterdays roadtrip went well; dad, jodee, and i arrived safely in wahpeton. it was such a good game! our guys came out so strong, were up by 12 at one point. then our posts (they only have 3 of em) started gettin into a little foul trouble. we were up by 3 at halftime; tied at 56 with about 8 minutes left...and it all went downhill from there. we ended up losing by about 20. it was a tough loss for the guys. but hopefully most of them will get to spend a little time at home now over spring break...that should help the wounds.

last night kamala called, that was cool. her, jenny, and i watched about 6 or so episodes of sex and the city (great show). we also went to the Pepper, so basically it was a good night :) it was fun to see the girls again.

not much on the agenda for today...possibly open gym with the red river boys team. and tomorrow?? oh yes, gettin a haircut! susan squeezed me in, haha. I'm SO happy to be home! should be a good week

Sunday, March 13, 2005


wow...lake region absolutely pounded iowa western today. beat em by almost 40. LR shot almost 70% from the field, while iowa barely managed a 22%. also, iowas coach? INSANE...i cant even describe it. you'd just have to see it for yourself, probably the worst, meanest coach i've ever seen in person. i wish ya'll coulda seen him...

what else...i'm home! 5 hr drive with my daddy :)it was fun, i tried soo hard not to fall asleep. i made it 2 hrs, then slept for like an hour and half. oops. we got some quality talk time in tho, daddy/daughter bonding. no worries.

hmm...i guess thats it for now. tomorrow my dad, jodee, and i head to wahpeton to watch the Teton men play at 2. road trip #2 with the pops :) should be fun

(this was probably pointless and boring to read, my apologies)

Saturday, March 12, 2005

dont hold ur breath

(i already wrote this after the game...but apparently it didnt work...damn u blogger)

well...we got rocked tonight. lost by 19...i think we were down by 13 within the first 2 minutes of the game. it wasnt for lack of effort on our part or anything...those girls were men. to beat them, we would have had to have played the perfect game and then multiplied it by two. needless to say, we didnt do that tonight.

word on the street is that there were scouts at our game from ucla, purdue, u of i, watching a girl from iowa w. she was amazing. the best player that i've ever played against. she had 23 points in the first half. i think she finished with at least 35. so fast...crazy.

so our season has come to an end. its weird that its just now sinking in, but i play college basketball. i've completed a whole season of college basketball rather sucessfully. and i've loved it...for all the hard work, sweat, sprained ankles, bruises, complaining - i've loved it. and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the girls on this team. i'm in awe of all the sophmores, they're amazing. i'm gonna miss em next year. but it'll be exciting to the 'experienced' sophmores. haha

now starts spring break. Going Home! i'm excited. as i've said before, home is good. great. wondermous. i'm sure 9 days at home will give me plenty to write about in here :) my Andra has her last game of the '05 state tournament tomorrow morning. Good Luck little sister! i love u :) as for the JoDee, her little 5th grade travelin team was victorious 32-4 today.

ok i think thats all for now...i'm sleepy. Gnight ya'll :)

Have a good spring break! (i'll miss you guys - u know who u are)

Friday, March 11, 2005

just breathe

so today's the day...go big or go home. we play iowa western at 5 to decide whether our season is over or not...rumor has it that these girls are quite good. ranked 11th in the nation at one time. i guess now they're only ranked like, 21st or so. right. one of the girls in our dorm saw the team gettin off their bus and she said, and i quote "there is no way those are women". right

my dads coming, so that helps. i'm soo nervous tho. intense nerves....waynes coming to. i'm really glad he's coming, it means a lot to me.

anyway, wish us luck and say a prayer for the Tetons at 5! :) (not that we need ur prayers...its just a nice gesture...) haha

Thursday, March 10, 2005

whats my number u ask?

so...this was kinda acurate to the point of being a little scary. for those of u who know me well, u'd probably agree :)

Your Love Number is


You are a creative and expressive lover - a true romantic at heart.
An introspective soul, you know exactly how your ideal relationship should be.
But if you don't get that ideal, you tend to get a bit pouty and dramatic.
You need someone who can roll with the punches, that's for sure!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

we will rock you...

tonight after the region games, dean nate and josh came over here....

before josh got here i was talkin on the phone to wayne, and nate called me into the room. and to my horror, Bear (my stuffed animal...yes i sleep with him, i have for like,4 yrs. back off) neway, Bear was HANGING FROM THE SMOKE DETECTOR IN OUR ROOM BY MY PHONE CHARGER!! it was the saddest thing ever...i wanted to cry for sure! i love that Bear, i'm sorry. its sad i know, but i love him and i actually find it hard to sleep w/o him. i HATE sleeping alone. i really do tho.

so then josh came over, and started watching A Knights Tale (which is where we will rock u came from by the way) neway, i was eating grapes right? and i accidentally thru a stem on the floor (ok it happened a few times...haha) and tate lost her mind. i got pummeled.

later tho, tate was bein all i attemped to give her a hug to try and form peace. but she fought it again. but who was victorious? ME...thats right, i was a little scrapper...however, she did bang my ankle into the bed pretty good, and put her naked toe in my ear. that wasnt pleasant. at all. i hate bare feet. ew

haha so that was my night...exciting i know. i'm such a loser :)

Jamie, you're a Poet!

~~my quiz addiction is gonna be the death of all of us~~

You are complex and artistic with a rich inner life. Chances are you're a bit shy and quiet, and you enjoy peaceful, comfortable environments. You're an interesting person to know, full of insights and inspiration, even though you're sometimes hesitant to express them.

You enjoy intense one-on-ones or small, intimate dinner parties. You don't always make friends easily and you relish the ones you have. You don't like to juggle too much at work and can get stressed out by major upheavals.

what flavour am i?

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

~if i didnt taste like bread, i'd taste like...

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

Monday, March 07, 2005

oh NO!! :(

alright, so maybe i'm a little too attatched emotionally...but my dad coaches, and i love love love watching him coach. he has so much passion and love for the game. he knows the game soo well. ever since i was a little little kid i've been watching him coach. and now, after almost 20 yrs, he wants to become a principal. and to do that, he probably has to give up coaching.

tonight, my dads team played in the first round of the regional tourny - single elimination. all i could do was listen on the radio. they were up the whole game...and lost by 1 at the buzzer. guy missed a shot, other guy got the rebound, made it at the buzzer. (the radio guy said he thought maybe the shot was late, but thats besides the point) they lost...and all i can think is that my dad must be so hurt. he takes pride in his team and he loves those guys...and i know he wanted to go to state. and i'm just heartbroken knowing i couldnt be there to support him in what very well may be his last game. :(

my family is the most important thing in the world to me....

i just wanna go to bed...

open your eyes...

"Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone one question. This question is one that only a very old man asks. My benefactor told me about it once when I was young and my blood was too vigorous for me to understand it. Now I do understand it. I will tell you what it is: Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use."
~ DonJuan

Sunday, March 06, 2005

you cant rush these things...

i have nothing to write about...but i'm being pressured (u know who u are) to make an entry its gonna be crap, and its out of my hands

i bought the Hoosiers special edition dvd this weekend...i love that movie, it reminds me of my dad for some reason. so if anyone wants to watch Hoosiers with me, give me a call, we'll set something up :)

also invested in my musical education this weekend....i bought two cds.
1)MmHmm by Relient K -- soo good. i give it my recommendation
2)Final Straw by Snow Patrol -- another good one. never heard of them, but i'm glad i stumbled across them

lets see....oh i come from a family of champions. dads team won their district (District champs, 2 yrs in a row!) and my little sister andra's team won the EDC tournament, woo hoo Riders :) and my other little sister jodee's traveling team won their tourny too :) its been a good week in the Wheeler household. for basketball ne way. haha

im happy to report that josh recovered nicely from the 21st birthday ordeal...although it wasnt all too difficult seeing as he only had 2 beers (wink wink) and he did have an imaginary conversation with me...hmm

well, thats all i got...i hope i've satified those of you who apparently have an insatiable appetite for my writing :) haha

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Birthday Week

so many birthdays this week, my hand is cramped from writing cards :)


happy birthdays to you, happy birthdays to you, happy birthdays dear jenny, gma, and josh! happy birthdays to you

haha ok now that i got that outta my system...

on the agenda for this evening...just us girls watchin some scary movies (idk why i'm choosing this, i only watch like, half the movie cause i get scared and cover my eyes the whole time...big baby) neway, what else...

oh! today is josh's actual birthday, so and extra HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUN! to him :) haha, josh slept at our dorm last nigh (oh yeah, thats against the rules, we're rebels in suite 1) him and i just crashed on laura and tate's floor. haha dont worry, it was all innocent :) we all slept til like 2 today, cept tate, idk what time she got up. we're lazy, it was a beautiful day and we wasted it. oopsi :) haha

well, we're off to watch Shawn of the Dead. sidenote: i found a kick-ass knitted hat in tate's car tonight when we rented our movie. its green...and white. and it rocks my world :) haha!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

that quote has nothing to do with my entry today...i just couldnt think of a title and i like that quote :)

i've been thinking a lot lately about next year. a few of the girls on the team that i've grown quite close to are very strongly considering not coming back next year :(...sad. plus, 5 sophmores graduate. so next year will be like, entirely knew people. i love the girls this year, they're so much fun. and knowing next year will be different is just really sad to me. like, heavy sad.

and that led me to think of after next year (some of u know how my mind goes like a billion miles per hour and thinks about every possible outcome...try living like that people) but yeah, after next year we'll all split up anyway, even if laura and tate do come back. after next year they'll go back to south dakota, lacey will go back to iowa or who knows where, haylee will venture out, lori will probably stay on this side of the state, i'll go back to the East (teal, thankfully, is coming with me)...its just so sad!

its not even just the girls from the team either...the other friends we've made this year are all older then most of them will likely leave too. :( one yr doesnt seem like enough time to spend with the people u care about. especially when we all feel the year starting to wind down.

its just strange knowing that next year we have to kind of start over with it all again.

i could try to be an optomist here and realize that its just an oppurtunity to make even more good friends :) idk if i'm feeling that yet tho, haha

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

why i love tots

shes devistatingly beautiful in every way... she can shoot like no other... shes just all around so awesome in every way. I fall asleep at night praying to wake up in her shoes. Shes my favorite roommate and i love her more then anyone else!

ok i'm gonna put this here just in case no one bothers to read the comment....tate wrote all this :) however, some of it, well..most of it, is true :) she's a big dork tho, arent u tots.

what if?

u hear it all the time when ur tryin to make a big decision...people tell you "you dont want to look back and say 'what if?'"...but i was thinking. isnt 'what if?' somewhat unavoidable? i mean, theres always at least 2 sides to a by picking one you automatically create a 'what if?'. just, if the decision turns out well, then we choose to ignore the 'what if'. only in the rubble of the poor decision do we awknowledge the 'what if'.

(ooo...could that be quoteable? let me know...haha)